

Regrets Tree on Fire
(The Cousin Cycle, #3) by Jean Stringam

Check out the new book trailer by an industry pro! Regrets Tree on Fire – book trailer.
To hear the whole song and download the music, click here.

School begins with fire, chess, and girls—plenty of tinder for sixteen-year-old Bill and his friends. But when Internet bullying morphs into a protection racket, the social order has just changed. How much will go up in flames as the boys discover the limits of their culture?

Cover RTOF in RGBDevon parked his old junker car in front of the lake house then, and I was thinking how a jog around the lake would feel good. But Allen Mac, with his customary stranglehold on the obvious, had gotten bogged down in supplying an answer to Howie’s non-question.

If Howie says, “Any more bright ideas?” you walk away. But this is what Allen Mac came up with. “Hey, Bessamer, you’ve got money. Hire a bodyguard.”

Howie’s jaw dropped. “I’ve got civil rights, same as you! Why should I have to buy protection when you’ve got civil rights to protect you?” And then his fist came up. Fast and hard. Whacked Allen Mac in the head. Thunk. Howie literally dove for the door and ran off into the trees past the lake house.

Book #3 in the Cousin Cycle, REGRETS TREE ON FIRE — available in trade paper for $13.99 and  electronic formats for $6.99. Audio edition coming soon.


How Not to Cry in Public & Other Victories
(The Cousin Cycle, #4) by Jean Stringam

Cover HNTCIP in RGB How far would you go to find your family? They could be amazing, or they could be people you don’t want to know. When the evidence doesn’t add up, and without a reliable guide, seventeen-year-old Brenna makes mistakes in judgment that cost her dearly. Who knew hunting for your birth parents could be hazardous to your health?

At times the puzzle of who she was weighed on Brenna. But at other times she felt almost giddy with the possibilities.
“I have a right to know who my birth father is.”
“I have legal obligations, Brenna.”
It was an impasse. Douglas said nothing more, just sat on his chair looking as though the world had aged him a hundred years during the recent calendar year.
Brenna shut down the computer and muttered good night as she stomped to her room.

Book #4 in the Cousin Cycle, HOW NOT TO CRY IN PUBLIC & OTHER VICTORIES — available in trade paper for $16.99 and electronic formats for $6.99. Audio edition coming soon.